One of the best parts of my job at Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative is working with undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and other early-career researchers.
This summer, Elvis Acheampong joined me in our Canmore office for his summer internship. Elvis is a Master's student at Yale University's School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, where he is studying Environmental Management. He wrote a blog post about his some of his experiences while living in Canmore and interning with Y2Y, including reflections on seeing bears, wildlife crossing structures, practical conservation work, and outdoor recreation here in the Bow Valley. Elvis has now returned to finish his studies at Yale. It was great to have him work with Y2Y! Update: Elvis also wrote about Y2Y research for the Yale Environmental Review: Comments are closed.
AuthorConservation scientist at the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y). Likes trees, mountains, chocolate, and looking under rocks. Feminist. Archives
March 2020