By downloading a paper, I assume you want it for research or education. Many of these products are open access; please email me if you do not have access. Here are my Google Scholar, Research Gate, and ORCiD profiles.
* indicates one of my mentees, students, postdocs, or similar
Journal publications
43. B. Rushton, C. J. Lemieux, D. J. Scott, E. A. Halpenny, J. Tompkins, B. Jones, F. Plangger, D. Rubeling, P.T. Maher, D. Carruthers Den Hoed, S.L. Jakubec, K. Rettie, D. Mulrooney, P. Eagles, J. Bueddefeld, A.L. Jacob, G. Hvenegaard, B. Joubert, E. Thomlinson, J. Pavelka, R. Rollins, S.A. Prince, B. Steinberg. 2024. "Future-proofing nature-based tourism in Canada: a horizon scan of emerging challenges". Current Issues in Tourism.
36. Lemieux CJ, KF Beazley, D MacKinnon, P Wright, D Kraus, R Pither, L Crawford, AL Jacob, J Hilty. 2022. Transformational changes for achieving the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework ecological connectivity goals. FACETS. 7: 1008–1027. [Paper]
35. Fisher, JT, S Murray, M Barrueto*, K Carroll, AP Clevenger, D Hausleitner, W Harrower, N Heim, K Heinemeyer, AL Jacob, TS Jung, A Kortello, A Ladle, R Long, P MacKay, MA Sawaya. (2022) Wolverines in a changing landscape and warming climate: A decadal synthesis of global conservation research. Global Ecology and Conservation. 34. [Paper]
34. Nyboer, E, VM Nguyen, N Young, T Rytwinski, JJ Taylor, JF Lane, JR Bennett, N Harron, SM Aitken, G Auld, D Browne, AL Jacob, K Prior, PA Smith, KE Smokorowski, S Alexander, SJ Cooke. (2021) Supporting actionable science for environmental policy: Advice from researchers and decision makers to funding agencies. Frontiers in Conservation Science. 2: 1-22. [Paper]
33. Thomas-Walters, L, E Nyboer, J Taylor, T Rytwinski, J Lane, N Young, J Bennett, V Nguyen, N Harron, S Aitken, G Auld, D Browne, AL Jacob, K Prior, P Smith, K Smokorowski, S Alexander, S Cooke. (2021) An optimistic outlook on the use of evidence syntheses to inform environmental decision making. Conservation Science and Practice. e426. [Paper]
32. Buxton, R, J Bennett, A Reid, C Shulman, S Cooke, CM Francis, E Nyboer, G Pritchard, A Binley, S Avery-Gomm, N Ban, K Beazley, E Bennett, L Blight, L Bortolotti, A Camfield, Z Gadallah, AL Jacob, I Naujokaitis-Lewis, C Raudsepp-Hearne, D Roche, F Soulard, D Stralberg, K Sadler, K Solarik, C Ziter, J Brandt, C McKindsey, D Greenwood, P Boxall, C Ngolah, K Chan, D Lapen, S Poser, J Girard, C DiBacco, S Hayne, D Orihel, D Lewis, D Littlechild, S Marshall, L McDermott, R Whitlow, D Browne, J Sunday, P Smith. (2021) Key information needs to move from knowledge to action for biodiversity conservation in Canada. Biological Conservation. [Paper]
31. Cooke, SJ, T Rytwinski, JJ Taylor, E Nyboer, VM Nguyen, JR Bennett, N Young, S Aitken, G Auld, J-F Lane, K Prior, KE Smokorowski, PA Smith, AL Jacob, D Browne, JM Blais, JT Kerr, B Ormeci, SM Alexander, CR Burn, RT Buxton, DM Orihel, J Vermaire, DL Murray, P Simon, K Edwards, J Clarke, MA Xenopoulos, I Gregory-Eaves, EM Bennett, JP Smol. (2021) On “success” in applied environmental research: What is it, how can it be achieved, and how do you know when you have achieved it? Environmental Reviews. [Paper]
30. MGE Mitchell, R Schuster, AL Jacob, DEL Hanna, C Ouellet Dallaire, C Raudsepp-Hearne, EM Bennett, B Lehner, KMA Chan. (2021) Quantifying nature’s benefits to people for national-scale conservation planning. Environmental Research Letters. 16 (1): 014038 [Paper]
29. Nowak, K, J Berger, A Panikowski, DG Reid, AL Jacob, G Newman, NE Young, JP Beckmann, SA Richards. (2020) Using community photography to investigate phenology: a case study of coat moult in the mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) with missing data. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6954 [Paper]
Numerous blog posts about this research, including Ecology & Evolution, Canadian Geographic, Kokopelli Packraft, the Safina Centre. Media coverage about the project includes CBC News, Mountain FM, CitSci, and The Revelator.
28. Palm, EC, S Fluker, HK Nesbitt, AL Jacob, and M Hebblewhite (2020) The long road to protecting critical habitat for species at risk: The case of southern mountain woodland caribou. Conservation Science and Practice. DOI: 10.1111/csp2.219. [Paper]
27. Carter, N, MA Williamson, S Gilbert, SA Lischka, LR Prugh, JJ Lawler, AL Metcalf, AL Jacob, BJ Beltrán, AJ Castro, A Sage, M Burnham. (2020) Integrated spatial analysis for human–wildlife coexistence in the American West. Environmental Research Letters. 15. 021001. [Paper]
26. Westwood*, AR, SP Otto, A Mooers, CT Darimont, KE Hodges, C Johnson, BM Starzomski, C Burton, K Chan, M Festa-Bianchet, S Fluker, S Gulati, AL Jacob, D Kraus, T Martin, WJ Palen, JD Reynolds, J Whitton. (2019) Protecting biodiversity in British Columbia: Recommendations for species at risk legislation. FACETS. 4: 136–160. [Paper]
2019 interview with coauthors Cole Burton and Sally Otto
25. Lombard, AT, NC Ban, JL Smith, SE Lester, KJ Sink, SA Wood, AL Jacob, Z Kyriazi, R Tingey, HE Sims. (2019) Practical approaches and advances in spatial tools to achieve multi-objective marine spatial planning. Frontiers in Marine Science. [Paper]
24. Holden, JJ, B Collicutt, G Covernton, K Cox, D Lancaster, S Dudas, NC Ban, AL Jacob. (2019) Synergies on the coast: Challenges facing shellfish aquaculture development on the central and north coast of British Columbia. Marine Policy. [Paper] 23. Westwood*, AR, M Olszynski, CH Fox, AT Ford, ALJacob, JW Moore, WJ Palen. (2019). The role of science in contemporary Canadian environmental decision-making: The example of environmental assessment. UBC Law Review. [Paper]
22. Jacob, AL. JW Moore, CH Fox, EJ Sunter, D Gauthier, AR Westwood*, AT Ford. (2018) Cross-sectoral input for the potential role of science in Canada’s environmental assessment. FACETS. [Paper]
Read more about our work on impact assessment here
21. Coristne*, L, ALJacob*, R Schuster*, S Otto* [co-lead authors], NBaron, N Bennett, SJ Bittick, C Dey, B Favaro, AT Ford, L Nowlan, D Orihel, W Palen, J Polfus, D Shiffman, O Venter, & S Woodley. (2018) Informing Canada’s commitment to biodiversity conservation: A science-based framework to help guide protected areas designation through Target 1 and beyond. FACETS. [Paper]
20. Moore, JW, L Nowlan, M Olszynski, AL Jacob, B Favaro, L Collins, T-L Williams-Davidson, & J Weitz. (2018) Towards linking environmental law and science. FACETS. [Paper]
19. Goring, S.J., K.S. Whitney, & A.L. Jacob. (2018) Accessibility is imperative for inclusion (editorial). Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2(16): 63. [Paper]
18. Jacob, AL, MJ Lechowicz, & C Chapman. (2017) Non-native fruit trees facilitate colonization of native forest on abandoned farmland. Restoration Ecology. [Paper]
17. Goring, SJ, K Stack Whitney, EM Bruna, AL Jacob, & T Poisot. (2017) Making scientific content more accessible. Authorea. [Link] 16. Potvin, C, et al. (2017) Stimulating a Canadian narrative of hope for climate. FACETS. [Paper]
15. Fox, CH, AL Jacob, P Paquet, & CT Darimont. (2016) Pacific herring and fisheries management in Canada: A new era or repeated history? Ocean & Coastal Management. 125: 47-48 [Paper]
14. Parker, P, B Thapa, & AL Jacob. (2015) Decentralizing conservation and diversifying livelihoods within Kanchenjunga Conservation Area, Nepal. Journal of Environmental Management. 164: 96–103 [Paper]
13. Potvin, C., et al. (2015) An excerpt from Acting on Climate Change: Solutions from Canadian Scholars. Journal of Environmental Investing. 6 (1): 97-103. [Paper]
Mediacoverage of Sustainable Canada Dialogues work includes: The Guardian, Daily Mail/Reuters, Globe & Mail, La Presse, CBC News, CTV News, The Hill Times, Le Devoir, National Observer, Alternatives Journal, Vancouver Sun, Toronto Star, Le Soleil, Montreal Gazette, Edmonton Journal, Times Colonist. Full list of media coverage available here.
12. Gogarten*, JF, AL Jacob* [equal first authors], RR Ghai, JM Rothman, D Twinomugisha, & C Chapman. (2015) Group size dynamics over 15+ years in an African forest primate community. Biotropica. 47 (1): 101-122. [Paper]
11. Martin, P, M Jung, FQ Brearley, R Ribbons, ER Lines, & AL Jacob .(2016) Can we set a global threshold age to define mature forests? PeerJ 4 (e1839) [Paper]
10. Jacob, AL, SJ Wilson, & SL Lewis. (2014) Ecosystem services: Forests are more than just sticks of carbon. Nature. 507(7492): 306.[Paper]
9. Omeja, PA,AL Jacob, MJ Lawes, JS Lwanga, JM Rothman, C Tumwesigye, & C Chapman. (2014) Do changes in elephant abundance affect forest composition or regeneration? Biotropica. 46: 704-711 [Paper]
8. Jacob, AL, TR Bonnell, N Dowhaniuk, & J Hartter. (2014) Topographic and spectral data resolve land cover misclassification to distinguish and monitor wetlands in western Uganda. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 94: 114-126. [Paper]
7. Liss, KN*, MGE Mitchell*, GK MacDonald, SL Mahajan, J Methot, AL Jacob, DY Macguire, GS Metson, C Ziter, K Dancose, K Martins, M Terrado, & EM Bennett. (2013) Variability in ecosystem service measurement: A pollination service case study. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment. 11(8): 414–422. *equal co-first authors[Paper]
6. Gogarten, J, M Guzman, C Chapman, AL Jacob, P Omeja, & J Rothman. (2012) What is the predictive power of the colobine protein-to-fiber model and its conservation value? Tropical Conservation Science. 5: 381-393. [Paper]*
5. Omeja, PA, C Chapman, J Obua, JS Lwanga, AL Jacob, F Wanyama, & R Mugenyi. (2011) Intensive tree planting facilitates tropical forest biodiversity and biomass accumulation in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Forest Ecology and Management. 261(3): 703-709. [Paper] 4. Prugh, LR, KE Hodges, ARE Sinclair, AL Jacob, & D Wilcove. (2010) Reducing threats to species: threat reversibility and links to industry. Conservation Letters. 3(2): 267-276.[Paper]
3. Chapman, C, LJ Chapman, AL Jacob, JM Rothman, P Omeja, R Reyna-Hurtado, J. Hartter, & MJ Lawes. (2010) Tropical tree community shifts: Implications for wildlife conservation. Biological Conservation. 143(2): 366-374. [Paper]
2. Sharam, GJ, ARE Sinclair, R Turkington, & AL Jacob. (2009) The savanna tree Acacia polyacantha facilitates the establishment of riparian forests in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 25(1): 31-40.[Paper]
1. Jacob, AL, I Vaccaro, R Sengupta, J Hartter, & C Chapman. (2008) Integrating landscapes that have experienced rural depopulation and ecological homogenization into tropical conservation planning. Tropical Conservation Science. 1(4): 307-320. [Paper]
14. Wilson, S., P. Smith, E. Kenchington, M. Ballard, R. Buxton, K. Bobiwash, S. J. Marshall, E. Gilmore, É. Abergel, J. Allison, D. Arbuthnott, S. Avery-Gomm, N.C. Ban, K.F. Beazley, J.R. Bennett, E. Bennett, A.D. Binley, L.K. Blight, L. E. Bortolotti, D. Browne, E.K. Cameron, K.M.A. Chan, C. Chisholm, C. Chu, S.J. Cooke, F. Di Palma, D. Duplisea, C. Edge, B. Frei, L.W. Gomes, C. Hart, S. Hayne, M. Houde, A.L. Jacob, S. Javorek, H. Kharouba, D.R. Lapen, T.G. Martin, M. Mitchell, I. Naujokaitis-Lewis, E.A. Nyboer, M. O’Connor, A. Olive, S. Otto, B. Pickering, R. Pither, G. Pritchard, C. Raudsepp-Hearne, J. Rice, D.G. Roche, E. Rubidge, M. Ryckman, J.M. Saarela, K.D. Sadler, C. Shulman, I. Siboo, K.A. Solarik, F. Soulard, C. Sponarski, D. Stralberg, E. Ubalijoro, A. Ventimiglia, and C.D. Ziter. (2024) Science and knowledge needs to support Canada’s implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Report prepared for Environment and Climate Change Canada, 62 p.[Report]
13. G McDowell, M Stevens, S Marshall, E Higgs, AL Jacob, & 68 others. (2023) Canadian Mountain Assessment: Walking together to enhance understanding of mountains in Canada. University of Calgary Press. 370 p. [Book].
12. Vilalta Capdevila*, T, A Loosen*, K Pigeon*, AJacob, P Wright. (2022) Mapping recreational linear features beyond documented trails in southwestern Alberta and southeastern British Columbia. Final report. Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative and the University of Northern British Columbia. Canmore, Alberta. 42 p. 15 December, 2022. [Report]
11. Westwood*, AR, SP Otto, A Mooers, CT Darimont, KE Hodges, C Johnson, BM Starzomski, C Burton, K Chan, M Festa-Bianchet, S Fluker, S Gulati, AL Jacob, D Kraus, T Martin, WJ Palen, JD Reynolds, J Whitton. (2018) Protecting biodiversity in British Columbia: Recommendations for an endangered species law in BC from a species at risk expert panel. Report prepared for the B.C. Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. 27 p. [Report]
10. Hilty, JA, AL Jacob, KG Trotter, H Young & MJ Hilty*. (2019). Endangered species, wildlife corridors, and climate change in the US West. In: The Environmental Politics and Policy of Western Public Lands (EA Wolters & BS Steel, Eds). [Book chapter]
9. Robertson, C, R Schuster, M Mitchell, R Cameron, A Jacob, S Preston, A Neupane, A Vickers, & S McMillan. (2018) Identifying areas important for biodiversity and ecosystem services in Canada: A Pathway to Canada Target 1 Expert Task Team paper. Prepared for the Government of Canada. 110 p. [Report]
8. Hilty, JA, AL Jacob, H Young, & K Zenkewich. (2018) Yellowstone to Yukon: Conserving headwaters. In: Water Rites: Re-imagining Water in the West. (Ellis, Ed.) University of Calgary Press. [Book chapter]
7. Westwood*, AR, AL Jacob, DR Boyd, KMA Chan, SJ Cooke, RM Daigle, M Doelle, J Dupuis, B Favaro, P Fitzpatrick, AT Ford, CH Fox, SD Fuller, KE Gibbs, M Granados, EJ Gregr, PE Komers, O Langer, JW Moore, SP Otto, AJ Sinclair, I Stewart, UR Sumaila, JL Thorley, J Whitton. (2017). Strong Foundations: Recap and recommendations from scientists regarding the federal environmental and regulatory reviews. Submitted to Government of Canada in response to Discussion Paper. 34 p. [Report]
6. Ban, NC, C Whitney, D Lancaster, T Davies, L Eckert, C Rhodes, AL Jacob. (2017) Conservation actions at global and local scales in marine social-ecological systems. In: Conservation for the Anthropocene Ocean: Interdisciplinary Science in Support of Nature and People. (Levin & Poe, Eds.) [Book chapter]
5. Richards, N, MCJ Stoddart, A Cunsolo Willox, S Aitken, E. Bennett, F. Berkes, N. Bleau, I. Creed, A. Dale, B. Dyck, L. Fraser, W. Gardner, J.-O. Goyette, A.L. Jacob, M. Kraenzel, D. Kreutzweiser, R. Maranger, J. Miller, C. Morency, D. Paquin, C. Raudsepp-Hearne, K. Richards, J. Robinson, S. Sheppard, P. Sibley, S. Tomscha, M.-A. Villard, & C. Potvin. (2015) Imagining Canada: An exploration of desired futures from a country-wide visioning approach. In: Acting on Climate Change: Extending the Dialogue Among Canadians. Sustainable Canada Dialogues. Montréal, Canada. p. 155-163.[English]and[Français]
4. Potvin, C., S. Aitken, F. Anctil, E. Bennett, F. Berkes, J. Byrne, I. Creed, A. Cunsolo Willox, A. Dale, D. de Lange, M. Entz, L. Fraser, G. Hoberg, M. Holden, AL Jacob, S. Jodoin, L. Margolis, J. Meadowcroft, C. Morency, N. Mousseau, K. Oakes, S. Otto, D. Paquin, A. Perl, A. Potvin, C. Raudsepp-Hearne, B. Sinclair, N. Slawinski, M. Stoddart, and T. Wright. (2015) Acting on Climate Change: Solutions from Canadian Scholars. Sustainable Canada Dialogues. Montréal, Canada. 56 pp. [English][Français]
3. Chapman, C, RR Ghai, R Reyna-Hurtado, AL Jacob, SM Koojo, JM Rothman, D Twinomugisha, MD Wasserman & TL Goldberg. (2013) Going, going, gone: A 15-year history of the decline in abundance of primates in forest fragments. In: Primates in the Fragments II: Complexity and resilience. LK Marsh & C Chapman (Eds.) Springer Press, pp 89-104 [Book chapter]
2. Chapman, C, LJ Chapman, RR Ghai, J Harter, AL Jacob, JS Lwanga, PA Omeja, JM Rothman, & D Twinomugisha. (2010) Complex responses to climate and anthropogenic changes: An evaluation based on long-term data from Kibale National Park, Uganda. In: Long Term changes in Africa’s Rift Valley: impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems. A Plumptre (Ed.). Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, New York. p. 70-87. [Book chapter]
1. Sanders, C, AL Jacob, MA Reid, & N Davis. (2005) Reptiles and Amphibians of the Lulu Island Bog. In: A biophysical inventory and evaluation of the Lulu Island Bog, Richmond, BC, 2002-05. Davis, N & R Klinkenberg (Eds.). Richmond Nature Park Society, Richmond, BC. p. 151-158. [Book chapter]
2. Jacob, AL (2015) Exotic trees may facilitate forest regeneration in Uganda. Section in: Parks & Protected Areas in Canada: Planning & Management. (Dearden et al., Eds.) Oxford Univ. Press. [Section]
1. Jacob, AL (2015) The roles of elephants and logging in tropical rainforest dynamics. Section in: Dearden, Environmental Change & Challenge: A Canadian Perspective. Oxford Univ. Press. [Section]
Posters at scientific conferences
* presented by
4. Stack Whitney, K*, AL Jacob, S Goring, EM Bruna, T Poisot. "Making scientific content accessible." STEM Education, Rochester Institute of Technology. [Poster]
3. Stack Whitney, K*, AL Jacob, S Goring, EM Bruna, T Poisot. "Making scientific content accessible." NSF INCLUDES EDSIN, NEON, Colorado, April 2019. [Poster]
2. Roche, D*, AL Jacob*, K Gibbs. "Evidence for Democracy: Scientists advocating for science integrity and evidence-based policies." Genomes to/aux Biomes, DOI: 10.13140/2.1.4321.0566. Montréal, May 25-29, 2014. [Poster]
1. Mitchell*, M, C Ziter, K Dancose, B Frei, H-H Huang, AL Jacob, P Kagura, D Maguire, G Metson, M Terrado Casanovas, E Bennett. “Connecting Montréal residents with ecosystem services.” Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science Annual Symposium. [Poster] Montréal, 13-14 December, 2012.
Based on our work on Montreal's Ecosystems at your Service, a bilingual website